Lieutenant Andrew Newcomb Jr.

M, #5329, b. circa 1640, d. Aug 20, 1706
Relationship7th great-grandfather of Malcolm Kenyon McKown Jr.
ChartsNewcomb Descendants Chart
Father*Captain Andrew Newcombe b. circa 1618, d. circa Nov, 1686
Mother*Susan Cock b. circa 1623, d. Apr 23, 1652

Family 1

Sarah Young b. circa 1642, d. circa May, 1674

Family 2

Anna Bayes b. circa 1655, d. circa Sep, 1731

Chronological Events

Birth*circa 1640 Lieutenant Andrew Newcomb Jr. was born circa 1640 at Edgartown, Dukes County, Massachusetts, United States
 He was the son of Captain Andrew Newcombe and Susan Cock
Marriage*circa 1661 Lieutenant Andrew Newcomb Jr. married Sarah Young circa 1661 at Sandwich, Barnstable County, Massachusetts, United States
Marriage*circa 1676 Lieutenant Andrew Newcomb Jr. married Anna Bayes, daughter of Captain Thomas Bayes and Anna Baker, circa 1676 at Edgartown, Dukes County, Massachusetts, United States
Death*Aug 20, 1706 Lieutenant Andrew Newcomb Jr. died on Aug 20, 1706 at Edgartown, Dukes County, Massachusetts, United States. . He appears to have died without making a will and no inventory or settlement of his estate has been found upon record. 
Burial*Aug 21, 1706 He was buried on Aug 21, 1706 at Unknown Cemetery, Dukes County, Massachusetts, United States, Find A Grave Memorial# 34357200.1 
Book Excerpt* 
Although John Bearse Newcomb considered Lt. Andrew to be the son of Capt. Andrew, modern researchers are unsure of this claim. They do not find any documentation connecting the two men.

Event: From B.M. Newcomb's 1923 book Biography

Andrew Newcomb was residing at the Isles of Shoals as early as July 1666, as at this date he attended a meeting at the Isles of Shoals, near Portsmouth, New Hampshire, of several merchants and men engaged in the fisheries, for the purpose of fixing the price of fish.

In a case brought by Richard Endell of the Isles of Shoals against Jonathan Wade of Ipswich in March 1672, for fish and oil delivered to Wade for several years, the case turned on the price of fish in 1666; and to this Mr. Newcomb made affidavit, which is now on file among the court papers at Salem, Mass.

The earliest record found of Andrew Newcomb's purchase of land in this country is upon deeds at Alfred, York Co., Maine, Vol. 2, page 162, date 20 Apr. 1669, from which it appears that Daniel Moore of Portsmouth, blacksmith, for £58, sold Andrew Newcomb of Kittery, York Co., Me., fisherman, a dwelling-house in Kittery, near Thomas Spinney's and formerly in the tenure and occupation of James Emberry (Emery), also six acres of land adjoining the house at Emberry's (Emery's) Point. The house and land, as above, "next to the land of Spinney's of Kittery side," were sold 7 July 1674 to John Cutt of Portsmouth, who bequeathed them, 1698, to his son Nathaniel; and Nathaniel, again, in 1743, to his son, Nathaniel. This place in Kittery is on the southeast side of the mouth of Spinney Creek, and bounded westerly by the Piscataqua River, about half a mile from the city of Portsmouth and owned and occupied by Miss Sally Carter in 1874. He also appears to have owned other land at Kittery, record of purchase not found.

York Deeds at Alfred, York Co., Me., 3/123-4 - "William Hearle and wife Beaton of Portsmouth, for valuable sum of money and goods, sell John Fernald of Kittery, Shoemaker, all that parcel of land which was formerly in possession of Andrew Newcomb, lying in Kittery near unto and butting upon the Broad Cove commonly called Spinny's Cove, containing 20 acres, being 40 rods broad butting upon said Cover and having the land of Christian Ramix (Remich) on the South side, and the land of John Saward on the North side, and so runs 80 rods east into the woods: which said land was sold by William Hilton unto the said Andrew Newcomb." Deed acknowledged 1 Feb. 1680 and recorded 26 Apr. 1683.

Mr. Newcomb held the office of constable and was living at the Shoals or in Kittery in 1671.

The name of his wife, Sarah, whom he married about 1661, has been found but once upon record. From deeds at Exeter, New Hampshire, Vol. 3, p. 80, it appears that "Andrew Newcombe, of Hogg Island on the Ile of Sholes," fisherman, for £52 in merchantable fish, sold Henry Platts, of same place, with consent of his wife Sarah, house on Hog Island (not described) 19 July 1673, in the 25th year of Charles the Second, deed recorded 21 July 1673. From the foregoing it would seem that Mr. Newcomb had previously lived upon Hog Island and after the purchase of his house in Kittery he removed his family to the mainland.

At the time of his residence upon the Shoals they were places of resort, and the Church, Court House and principal Ordinary being located upon Smutty Nose or Church Island, together with the fishing industry, in which Mr. Newcomb was engaged, caused the islands to be preferred for residences until later, when the mainland became more thickly settled.

Mr. Newcomb removed from Kittery and Isles of Shoals in the year 1674 or early in 1675. From the foregoing it will be seen that after the decision of the Court at Wells (7 July 1674) he turned over to John Cutt his house and land in Kittery ad, his wife having died previously, he took his seven young and motherless children to a more favorable locality, for it is possible that the Indians had become troublesome in that locality, as King Philip's war broke out in Jun 1675, and this may have influenced him in his removal. He settled at Edgartown, on the Island of Martha's Vineyard, the same year, where he became a proprietor and at various times received shares in the divisions of lands in that town and where he and his wife both died.

That Mr. Newcomb was one of the prominent citizens of Martha's Vineyard is shown by the fact that he was juror at quarter court at Eastham 25 Sept. 1677 and 28 Dec. 1680; foreman of grand jury Sept. 1681, June 1700 and 1703, and 7 Mar. 1704; constable in 1681; was chosen 25 Nov. 1685, with two others, "to make the governors rate of three half penny upon the pound"; tithing-man 10 May 1693; select-man 1693-4; and overseer 16 Mar. 1693-4. His name appears many times upon record as witness to deeds, etc. Upon the records of Martha's Vineyard, Mass., he is in nearly every case called "Mr." a title then conferring more honor and distinction and doubtless commanding higher respect than that of "Hon." at the present day. There are reasons for believing that he was a merchant several and perhaps many years. On the 18th Feb. 1683 he paid Nathaniel Fryer £3: 11s. in feathers.

Maj. Wait Winthrop in a letter to Gov. Phips, no date but received 21 Oct. 1692, mentions "Mr. Newcomb"; and in a letter Simon Athern to the Governor and Council Oct. 1692 says: "being sensible of much troble on marthas vineyard for want of dew settlement of the affairs of that Iland And Considering the present state of persons and things there I humbly shew that if Mr. Andrew Newcomb be made Cheefe Justice And Mr. Joseph Norton & Mr. James Allen Justices there who are reputed welthy and having such influence in the people there, will be most Reddy way to settle your government there."

Mr. Newcomb's first purchase of land on Martha's Vineyard was made 13 Feb. 1677, of John Daggett, for £25, 10 acres land, "according to the bounds thereat as it was layed out, unto John Freeman, Blacksmith, and to him granted by the said town; as likewise half a Commonage in the said townshippe; for him, the said Andrew Newcomb, to have and to hold the aforesaid land and premisses, with the now dwelling house thereone standing and being, with all and singular the outhouseing banres shoppes hovells fence and fencing stuff on the said land and premisses being." This land situated on the south side of the village, together with a house-lot, he sold Israel Dagget for £40, 3 Feb 1702. May 13, 1686, he bought of Jacob Washaman and Notickquanum (also written Wonnottoohquanam) alias Elizabeth, his wife, Sachem, and Queen of Nunpauquee, for £5, a pice of land called Job's Neck, 22 Jan. 1701-2, to his son, Simon, one of the witnesses to the deed being Peeter Newcomb.

He sold for £22 land at Sanchacantaket, bought of Misam alias Wabamuch; and in 1700 he sold the land, later occupied as a famous camp-meeting ground on Martha's Vineyard. (Vol. 3, p. 320)

In June 1703 he, with others, gave Samuel Holman, the tanner, a lot of land "to encourage him in his business." Mar. 10, 1709-10, Thomas Harlock sold lands bought of "Mr. Andrew Newcomb late deceased." He owned the land in Edgartown upon which the Court House was afterwards built.

Mrs. Newcomb's name is in the earliest preserved list of church members, 13 July 1717; also in the list of 24 Jan 1730-1. She received in 1680, by will of her father dated 4 Feb. 1679-80, £50; also, a three-eights interest in his real estate, which was increased by rights of her sister bought by Mr. Newcomb in 1686. Of the Indian lands of Capt. Bayes Mr. and Mrs. Newcomb owned, in 1688, three and a half shares at Sanchacantaket, near the camp-meeting ground, ten acres at Pompineches neck, and one half-share on the Island of Chappaquiddick.

In 1710 Mrs. Newcomb sold five acres of land near the court house in Edgartown, formerly from her father, and in 1716 she, 'widow, Relict of Andrew Newcomb, late of Edgartown," sold her stepson, Simon Newcomb, for £20, land in Edgartown. In 1728 she sold her daughter Mary "all my household goods, to enter upon at my decease."

Mr. Newcomb was chosen Lieut. of Militia 13 Apr 1691, and was in command of fortifications.

By his first wife he had seven children, all of whom appear to have been born in the vicinity of Kittery, Me. By his second wife there were eight children, all of whom were married and had families, and although no record of their births has been preserved yet their relationship as brother and sisters, also that they were children of Andrew and Anna Newcomb, has been authenticated by a plea for partition of land brought 1 Oct. 1731, in which all, or nearly all of the children and heirs are named.

Event: Court 1688
Note: He was indicted for taking the life of his son, Andrew, but the jury decreed that Andrew's death was accidental.2,3


  1. [S80] Gravestones - Death Cert Proof, Find-A-Grave, BillionGraves.
  2. [S927] Book - Newcomb, Andrew & His Descendants, by John Bearse Newcomb.
  3. [S771] Personal Knowledge - Valentine, Jack.

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CREDIT should be given to publishers of obituaries & book publications where known.