Hance Hofflar1

M, #21356, b. circa 1727, d. Jan 21, 1769
Father*Thomas Hofflar1 b. circa 1678, d. Jan 10, 1727
Mother*Mary Daines1 d. circa 1735

Family 1

Mary Garrett

Family 2

Sarah Hunter b. circa 1719

Chronological Events

Birth*circa 1727 Hance Hofflar was born circa 1727 at North Carolina, United States.2 
 He was the son of Thomas Hofflar and Mary Daines.1 
Marriage*circa 1745 Hance Hofflar married Mary Garrett circa 1745 at North Carolina, United States
Marriage*Nov 30, 1765 Hance Hofflar married Sarah Hunter on Nov 30, 1765 at Perquimans County, North Carolina, United States.1 
Book Excerpt* 
Hance Hofler was elected to the vestry of St. Paul's Parish in Aug 1764 and then with Timothy Walton was appointed Church Wardens for the year.
Ordered that Mr. Hance Hofler Tile the Chancel and Glaze the windows of the church and repair the doors and that he be allowed a reasonable charge for the same.
Ordered that Mr Hance Hofler make such further repairs to the Church in Edenton as will appear to him to be necessary beside what he was impowered to do by a former order and that he be allowed a reasonable charge for the same.
Oct 1766 - Hance Hofler produced his account for work and services done in repairing Edenton Church amounting to Sixty eight pound ordered that the same be allowed. Hance Hofler produced his account for service done by his wife in curing Elizabeth Parker's sore leg amounting to 4 pound, ordered that the same be allowed. Vestry minutes of St Paul's Parish abstracted by Fouts

April 1765 - Hance Hoffler with Elisha Hunter, County Surveyor, William Bond, James Bond, & Abraham Norfleet go round the lines of Mr. William Boyd's lands in this county. . .

Will of Hance Hofler, Chowan County 21 Jan 1769 -
In the name of god amen. I Hance Hofler being sick and weak and afflicted with bodily pain, but thanks be to god of sound and perfect memory and remembering that it is appointed for all men once to die I do therefore take this opportunity dispose of such worldly good as it hath been the pleasure of almighty god to -- me with in the manner and form following but first and principally I Do recommend my sold to god that gave it and my Body to the Earth from whence it - to be Decently buried after the Diseretion of my Executors and as to my worldly goods I do Leave or dspose of as followeth
Item --- I leave to my beloved wife Sarah the use of the third part of the plantation that I Live on during her Life and Likewise I Leave her the use of my negro wench Nel and her children during my wife's Natural Life and Likewise I leave to my beloved wife one mare called a Scewbale Mare and a Mare Colt to be her own property forever and like I leave to my beloved wife all that she was in posession of when she was a widow and to be her property as it was then that is to say all the goods Negroes and stock that she brought to me when I married her except such things as has perished or been made use of.
Item -- I give and bequeath to my son Thomas Hofler and to his heirs and assigns forever the plantation that I live on and all the Land therunto belonging Except a percle of Land that I bought of John Jordan and a final percal of that I bought of John Ada--- adjoining to the Said Land that I bought of said Jodain running down to a small branch toward the afore said plantation that I live on which percel of Land containeth about ? hundred Acors more or less all the other lands adjoining to my aforesaid plantation and all the appurtenanees and priviledges thereunto belong I leave as afore said to my son and to his heirs and assigns forever.
Item -- I give and bequeath to my daughter Mary Hofler the above said percel of Land bought of John Jordan and the small part of the Land bough of the P Darns run to the P Branch containing two hundred acres more of less to her her heirs and assigns - --
Item -- after all just debts being payed I give and bequeath all and every part of my Estate that hath not yet been mentioned to my Son Thomas and My Daughter Mary to be Equally Divided between them I say to them and their heirs and assigns forever.
Item -- further my will and desire is that if my two children thomas and Mary should both of them die without haveing and children that is to say while in their minority that then Thomas Garrett Son of Richard Garrett should have my negro boy caled Harry to be his one property to him his heirs and assigns forever and Likewise if my two children aforesaid in their Minority that then I give and bequeath to friend Eward Garrett all the rest of my Estate Except the negro boy harry above mentioned both Real and personal to his heirs and assigns forever. Lastly I do hereby appoint Constitute Ordain my true friend Eward Garrett living in Edenton Executor to this my Last will and testament herby making void all other wills by me made heretofore affirming and confirming this to be my Last will and testament in witness where of I have here unto Set my hand and affixed my Seal this twenty first day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred Sixty nine.
Signed Sealed and Delivered in the presents of us Hance Hofler [seal drawn]
Paul Bunch, Jane I Harril , Celia Copeland

1774 - the estate of Hance Hofler was divided between Thomas Hofler and Mary Garrett - Chowan County Records [NCHGR 2-263].3
Death*Jan 21, 1769 Hance Hofflar died on Jan 21, 1769 at Chowan County, North Carolina, United States.4 


  1. [S802] Site - Ancestry.com, online at http://www.ancestry.com
  2. [S4] Lassiter Family - Lassiter Reunion Disk - Fred Rea Lassiter (Deceased).
  3. [S943] Book - Unknown,.
  4. [S816] Site - International Genealogical Index (R) or Ancestral File, online at http://www.familysearch.org

All information on my site is free to use, BUT should be checked before using because we do sometimes make mistakes.
CREDIT should be given to publishers of obituaries & book publications where known.